Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Dehydrate

    To lose water, or cause someone or something to lose water.  

  • Dehisced


    Referring to a wound which has split open after being closed.  

  • Deformed

    Not shaped or formed in the expected way.  

  • Deformation

    The process of becoming deformed, or the state of being deformed.  

  • Deflorescence

    A disappearance of a rash in those diseases in which a rash is a characteristic part of the illness. Disappearance of an eruption of the skin.  

  • Deficient

    Not meeting the required standard.  

  • Defibrination

    The removal of fibrin from a blood sample to prevent clotting. The removal of fibrin, one of the plasma proteins that causes coagulation, from a sample of blood. It is normally done by whisking the blood with a bundle of fine wires, to which the strands of fibrin that form in the blood adhere.  

  • Defibrillation

    A procedure to correct an irregular heartbeat by applying a large electrical impulse to the chest wall, especially in potentially life-threatening circumstances. Ceasing heart fibrillation with drugs or physical means. Administration of electrical shock to restore cardiac muscle conduction and contractions. The use of electric current to shock the heart into regular rhythm when it…

  • Deferent

    Going away from the centre. Referring to the vas deferens. Conveying something away from or downward.  

  • Defence mechanism

    A subconscious reflex by which a person prevents himself or herself from showing emotion. Coping mechanisms are employed by the mind to mitigate distressing or undesirable emotions, impulses, experiences, or events, and to evade conflicts both externally and internally. The primary defense mechanism employed by the mind is repression, characterized by the suppression of unacceptable…

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