Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Dermatitis artefacta
Injuries caused by someone to their own skin. A type of dermatitis that is self-induced, such as by scratching; also known as factitial dermatitis. Self-inflicted harm to the skin encompasses a spectrum of actions, ranging from minor scratches to extensive mutilation that leads to the development of severe ulcers or other types of lesions. It…
A psychological state in which someone feels the world around him or her is not real.
Dercum’s disease
Same as adiposis dolorosa [Described 1888. After Frangois Xavier Dercum (1856-1931), Professor of Neurology at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, USA.] The appearance of multiple painful fatty nodules (lipomas) in the skin of adults, especially overweight or postmenopausal women. Dercum’s disease, also referred to as adiposis dolorosa, is a condition characterized by the accumulation of localized…
Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck.
The fact of not being able to have something that you need or want. The lack of basic necessities of life. Loss or absence of a necessary part or function.
A muscle which pulls part of the body downwards. A nerve which reduces the activity of an organ such as the heart and lowers blood pressure. A muscle that causes lowering of part of the body. The depressor labii inferioris is a muscle that draws down and evens the lower lip.
Relating to, causing, or experiencing mental depression.
The act or process of something being reduced. Removal of substances such as blood, fluids, iron, fat, or protein from the body. The process of eliminating gathered solids or liquids.
The removal of hair. The process of destroying hair substances and processes used for this purpose being known as depilatories. The purpose may be effected in three ways: by removing the hairs at the level of the skin surface; by pulling the hairs out (epilation); and by destroying the roots and so preventing the growth…
A psychiatric state in which someone does not believe he or she is real.
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