Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Diagnostic test

    A test which helps a doctor diagnose an illness.  

  • Diagnostic process

    The series of steps taken in making a diagnosis.  

  • Diagnostic and treatment centre

    A facility mainly for day surgery or short-term stay, where a range of planned operations such as joint replacements, hernia repair and cataract removal can be undertaken.  

  • Diadochokinesis

    The natural ability to make muscles move limbs in opposite directions.  

  • Diaclasia

    A fracture made by a surgeon to repair an earlier fracture which has set badly, or to correct a deformity. A fracture made deliberately by a surgeon to correct a deformity in a bone, which has usually resulted from a badly set or untreated fracture.  

  • Diabetologist

    A doctor specialising in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.  

  • Diabetic diet

    A diet which is low in carbohydrates and sugar. A carefully planned nutritional regimen is designed to minimize the occurrence of complications associated with diabetes mellitus by controlling the timing and quantity of energy intake. This approach aims to maintain stable blood glucose levels, thereby reducing the risk of both hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels)…

  • Diabetic cataract

    Diabetic cataract

    A cataract which develops in people who have diabetes. Diabetic cataract refers to the formation of opacities in the lens of the eye as a result of diabetes mellitus. In individuals with diabetes, senile cataracts, which are typically slow-growing opacities associated with old age, tend to develop approximately 10 to 15 years earlier than usual.…

  • Dextromoramide

    An analgesic used to relieve moderate or severe pain. It is given by mouth, injection, or as suppositories and sometimes causes dizziness, reduced blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, and sleepiness. Dextromoramide is similar to ‘morphine and can cause morphine-type dependence. Dextromoramide is an opioid analgesic medication that belongs to the opium-related drug class. It is employed…

  • Dextrocardia

    A congenital condition in which the apex of the heart is towards the right of the body instead of the left. Condition in which the heart is positioned toward the right side of the chest. This may be a congenital defect, sometimes accompanied by reversal of the arrangement of other body parts (transposition), or it…

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