Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Diathermy needle

    A needle used in surgical diathermy.  

  • Diathermy knife

    A knife used in surgical diathermy.  

  • Diastasis

    A condition in which a bone separates into parts. Dislocation of bones at an immovable joint. A term applied to separation of the end of a growing bone from the shaft. The condition resembles a fracture, but is more serious because of the damage done to the growing cartilage through which the separation takes place,…

  • Diastase

    An enzyme which breaks down starch and converts it into sugar. An enzyme that hydrolyzes starch in barley grain to produce maltose during the malting process. It has been used to aid the digestion of starch in some digestive disorders. A mixture of enzymes obtained from malt. These enzymes have the property of converting starch…

  • Diarrhoeal

    Referring to or caused by diarrhoea.  

  • Diaphysitis

    Inflammation of the diaphysis (shaft) of a bone, through infection or rheumatic disease. It may result in impaired growth of the bone and consequent deformity. Swelling of the long bone’s shaft.  

  • Diaphragmatic pleurisy

    Inflammation of the pleura which covers the diaphragm. Inflammation of the diaphragmatic pleura. Symptoms include intense pain under the margin of the ribs, sometimes referred into the abdomen, with tenderness upon pressure; thoracic breathing; tenderness over the phrenic nerve referred to the supraclavicular region in the neck on the same side; hiccough; and extreme dyspnea.…

  • Diaphragmatic pleura

    Part of the pleura which covers the diaphragm.  

  • Dialyser

    An apparatus which uses a membrane to separate solids from liquids, e.g. a kidney machine.  

  • Dialyse

    To treat someone using a kidney machine.  

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