Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Dietl’s crisis

    A painful blockage of the ureter, causing back pressure on the kidney which fills with urine and swells [After Joseph Diet! (1804-78), Polish physician]. Acute obstruction of a kidney causing severe pain in the loins. The obstruction usually occurs at the junction of the renal pelvis and the ureter, causing the kidney to become distended…

  • Dieting

    The act of attempting to reduce weight by reducing the amount of food eaten.  

  • Dietetic principles

    Rules concerning the body’s needs in food, vitamins or trace elements.  

  • Dietary

    A system of nutrition and energy.  

  • Dicrotism

    A condition in which the pulse occurs twice with each heartbeat. A condition in which the pulse is felt as a double beat for each contraction of the heart. It may be seen in typhoid fever. A state where each heartbeat is accompanied by two pulse beats.  

  • Dicrotic pulse

    A pulse which occurs twice with each heartbeat. A pulse with a double beat, one heartbeat for two arterial pulsations, or a seemingly weak wave between the usual heartbeats. This weak wave should not be counted as a regular beat. It is indicative of low arterial tension and is noted in fevers. A pulse where…

  • Diclofenac sodium

    An anti-inflammatory drug used to treat rheumatic disease. Anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis; side effects include stomach irritation and intestinal bleeding.  

  • Dichlorphenamide

    A drug used to treat glaucoma. A diuretic used to reduce pressure within the eye in the treatment of glaucoma. It is administered by mouth; side-effects include drowsiness, dizziness, digestive upsets, and skin rashes.  

  • Dicephalus

    A fetus with two heads. The term applied to symmetrical conjoined twins with two separate heads.  

  • Diazoxide

    A drug used as a vasodilator, to reduce hypertension. A drug used to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension and also used to treat conditions in which the levels of blood sugar are low (including insulinoma). It is usually administered (by mouth or (for hypertension) injection) with a diuretic as it causes salt and…

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