Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Digital vein

    A vein draining the fingers or toes.  

  • Digital palpation

    Digital palpation

    An examination of part of the body by feeling it with the fingers.  

  • Digitalise

    To treat someone who has heart failure with digoxin.  

  • Digitalin

    A drug derived from foxglove leaves, used in small doses to treat heart conditions. A refined medication obtained from the foxglove plant, utilized for treating heart conditions.  

  • Digital

    Referring to fingers or toes. Representing data or physical quantities in numerical form. When used to describe information (data), “digital” means based on a system of discrete steps, such as counting the fingers on one’s hand. Frequently, the term “digital” is associated with binary logic, where each bit of information can have one of two…

  • Digit

    A finger or a toe. A number. A terminal division found at the extremity of a limb is referred to as a digit, which can include a finger or a toe.  

  • Digestive enzyme

    An enzyme which encourages digestion. Any enzyme involved in digestive processes in the alimentary canal. Chemicals that change certain types of food into a soluble (capable of being dissolved) form that can be used by the body.  

  • Digestible

    Able to be digested.  

  • Differential blood count

    A test that shows the amounts of different types of white blood cell in a blood sample. A measurement of the percentages of the various types of leukocytes (white blood cells) in a sample of whole blood. The number and type of white blood cells as determined by microscopic examination of a thin layer of…

  • Diet sheet

    A list of suggestions for quantities and types of food given to someone to follow.  

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