Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Dissociated anaesthesia

    A loss of sensitivity to heat, pain or cold.  

  • Dissociate

    To separate parts or functions. In psychiatry, to separate part of the conscious mind from the rest.  

  • Disseminated lupus erythematosus

    An inflammatory disease where a skin rash is associated with widespread changes in the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system and many organs.  

  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation

    A disorder that causes extensive clot formation in the blood vessels, followed by severe bleeding. Acquired clotting disorder occurring simultaneously with another medical condition in which clotting mechanisms become accelerated resulting in occlusion of the microcirculation. Common causes of DIC include obstetric complications, cancer, sepsis, and massive tissue damage. Disruption of clotting due to hyperstimulation…

  • Disseminated

    Occurring in every part of an organ or in the whole body. Condition of wide dispersement throughout an tissue, organ, or body part. Widely distributed in an organ (or organs) or in the whole body. The term may refer to disease organisms or to pathological changes. Spread of disease from its original site throughout an…

  • Dissecting aneurysm

    An aneurysm which occurs when the inside wall of the aorta is torn and blood enters the membrane. Bulge or tear occurring between the arterial walls due to blood forcing its way through a tear in the intima between the arterial layers. Aneurysm in which the blood makes its way between the layers of a…

  • Dissect


    To cut and separate tissues in a body to examine them. To separate tissues and parts of a cadaver for anatomical study.  

  • Disproportion

    A lack of proper relationships between two things. A size different from that considered to be normal.  

  • Disposable

    Designed to be thrown away after use.  

  • Displaced intervertebral disc

    A disc which has moved slightly, so that the soft interior passes through the tougher exterior and causes pressure on a nerve.  

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