Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Dynamic splint
A splint which uses springs to help the person move. A splint that assists in movements initiated by the patient.
Duty rota
A list of duties which have to be done and the names of the people who will do them.
Referring to the dura mater.
Dupuytren’s contracture
A condition in which the palmar fascia becomes thicker, causing the fingers, usually the middle and fourth fingers, to bend forwards [Described 1831. After Baron Guillaume Dupuytren (1775-1835), French surgeon.] Painless condition in which the fourth and fifth fingers bend into the palm of the hand and resist extension because of progressive thickening of tissue…
Duplex imaging
A type of ultrasonic imaging where the speed of the flow of blood is measured.
A permanent opening made between the duodenum and the abdominal wall. An operation in which the duodenum is opened and drained by a tube or brought out through the abdominal wall, sometimes in order to introduce food. Surgical creation of a permanent opening into the duo denum through the wall of the abdomen. The creation…
An instrument used to examine the inside of the duodenum.
Duodenal ulcer
An ulcer in the duodenum. Ulcer in the duodenum; it is the most common type of peptic ulcer. A sore or wound in the mucous membrane lining the wall of the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine into which the contents of the stomach are emptied. Nine of ten duodenal ulcers develop on…
Duodenal papillae
Small projecting parts in the duodenum where the bile duct and pancreatic duct open.
Not able to speak. Mute; lacking the ability to speak. Stupid, of low intelligence. Lacking the power or faculty to speak; mute.
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