Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Emergency ward

    The part of a hospital where people who need urgent immediate treatment are dealt with.  

  • Emergency medicine

    The treatment of patients whose condition is serious and requires urgent immediate action. Medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and prompt treatment of injuries, trauma, or sudden illnesses. One of the medical specialties for which residency programs have been approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Branch of medicine specializing in emergency…

  • Emergency

    A situation where urgent immediate action has to be taken. A situation requiring immediate attention in order to prevent death or severe disability. A situation less critical is “urgent.” The least critical level is “elective.” Casion of urgency; situation that arises suddenly and requires immediate action to save the life or health of a person…

  • Embryonic membrane

    One of the two layers around an embryo providing protection and food supply, i.e. the amnion and the chorion.  

  • Embryonic

    Referring to an embryo. In an early stage of development. The embryonic or germinal period of an organism’s development, representing the earliest and foundational stages.  

  • Embolisation

    The use of emboli inserted down a catheter into a blood vessel to treat internal bleeding.  

  • Embolectomy

    A surgical operation to remove a blood clot. Surgical removal of an embolus, usually from an artery. Surgical removal of a blood clot that has traveled through the bloodstream until it lodges in a blood vessel and blocks circulation. In some cases, the blocked section of blood vessel is removed and replaced, or it is…

  • Emasculation

    The removal of the penis. The loss of male characteristics. Strictly, surgical removal of the penis. The term is often used to mean loss of male physical and emotional characteristics, either as a result of removal of the testes (castration) or of emotional stress.    

  • Emaculation

    The removal of spots from the skin. The removal of spots, freckles, or similar marks from the skin, usually by surgery.  

  • Emaciated


    Very thin and extremely underweight.  

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