Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Entropion

    A turning of the edge of the eyelid towards the inside. Abnormal inward turning of an edge, especially the eyelid toward the eyeball, resulting from spasm or from scar tissue on the conjunctiva. Inward turning of the eyelid. Entropion usually affects the lower eyelid and causes the skin of the eyelid and the eyelashes to…

  • Entopic

    Located or taking place in the usual position. Normally situated; in a normal place. Opposite of ectopic. Located in the normal position, in contrast to ectopic, which refers to being out of place.  

  • Entonox

    A gas consisting of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide that is used as a painkiller during childbirth. A proprietary analgesic drug taken by inhalation and comprising half nitrous oxide and half oxygen. It is valuable in providing relief to casualties who are in pain, as it provides analgesia without causing unconsciousness. Entonox is also…

  • Enterozoon

    A parasite which infests the intestine. Any animal species inhabiting or infecting the gut of another.  

  • Enterotomy

    A surgical incision in the intestine. Surgical incision into the small intestine.  

  • Enterospasm

    An irregular painful contraction of the intestine. Excessive, abnormal contraction of muscles in the intestine, usually causing pain. Sudden, involuntary, painful contraction of intestinal muscles. Powerful contraction of the intestine, usually accompanied by pain.  

  • Enteroscope

    An instrument for inspecting the inside of the intestine.  

  • Enterorrhaphy

    A surgical operation to stitch up a perforated intestine. The surgical procedure of stitching an intestine that has either perforated or been divided during an operation. Stitching of an intestinal wound, or of the intestine to some other structure.  

  • Enteroptosis

    A condition in which the intestine is lower than usual in the abdominal cavity. Unusually downward position of the intestine in the abdominal cavity. A condition in which loops of intestine (especially transverse colon) are in a low anatomical position. At one time this was thought to cause various abdominal symptoms, and operations were devised…

  • Enteron

    The whole intestinal tract.  

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