Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Exchange transfusion
A method of treating leukaemia or erythroblastosis in newborn babies, where almost all the blood is removed from the body and replaced with healthy blood. A blood transfusion that is virtually a total replacement of a baby’s blood, as in cases of Rh incompatibility, to avoid permanent damage. Removal of a person’s blood in small…
More than normal.
A surgical instrument shaped like a spoon. A spoon-shaped surgical instrument that is used to scrape out diseased tissue, usually for laboratory examination. In dentistry an excavator is used for preparing a carious tooth cavity for filling. An instrument for removing tissue or bone. It may be spoon-shaped if used on soft tissue and spoon-shaped…
To look at or to investigate someone or something carefully. To look at and test someone to find out what is wrong with him or her.
An act of looking at someone or something carefully. The act of looking at someone to find out what is wrong with him or her. A written or oral test to see if a student is progressing satisfactorily. Act of viewing and studying the body, using various procedures, techniques and equipment to ascertain the general…
Evidence-based medicine
Medical practice where findings from research are used as the basis for decisions. The process of systematically finding, appraising and using the best available research findings, integrated with clinical expertise, as the basis for clinical decisions about individual patients. The aim is to encourage clinicians, health-service managers and consumers of health care to make decisions,…
Based on the results of well-designed trials of specific types of treatment for specific conditions.
A muscle which makes a limb turn outwards.
The pushing of the intestine through the wall of the abdomen. Protrusion of the intestine through the abdominal wall. Partial protrusion of the abdominal contents through an opening in the abdominal wall. The protrusion of abdominal contents through the abdominal wall, leaving them covered only by the skin. This substantial hernia can encompass a significant…
To examine and calculate the quantity or level of something. To examine someone and calculate the treatment required.
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