Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Exotic

    Referring to a disease which occurs in a foreign country. A plant that is not native to the country or region in which it is grown, though the term is often used to signify any kind of plant seen as strange, alluring or glamorous. Describing a disease occurring in a region of the world far…

  • Exophthalmic goitre

    Exophthalmic goitre

    A form of hyperthyroidism, in which the neck swells and the eyes protrude.  

  • Exocrine gland

    A gland with ducts which channel secretions to particular parts of the body such as the liver, the sweat glands, the pancreas and the salivary glands. Gland that discharges its secretion usually through a duct, to an adjacent epithelial surface, as the sweat glands discharge onto the skin surface. Included among the exocrine glands are…

  • Exhalation

    Air which is breathed out. Process of breathing out, expelling air from the lungs. The act of breathing air from the lungs out through the mouth and nose. Also called expiration, this is the act of breathing air from the lungs out through the bronchi, trachea, mouth and nose. The process of breathing out; emanation…

  • Exfoliative dermatitis

    A typical form of dermatitis where the skin becomes red and comes off in flakes. Generalized reddening and inflammation of the skin surface, often followed by scaling. The condition may be caused by leukemias or lymphomas that infiltrate the skin; extensive psoriasis; drug reactions (e.g., vancomycin); allergies, seborrhea, or atopy. The condition is often associated…

  • Exfoliative

    Referring to exfoliation.  

  • Exercise cycle

    A type of cycle which is fixed to the floor, so that someone can pedal on it for exercise.  

  • Excretion

    The act of passing waste matter, e.g. faeces, urine or sweat, out of the body. The process of eliminating waste products from the body. The process by which the body eliminates waste products and toxins. Discharge of waste from an organ or from the body. Waste matter. The elimination of waste products from the body.…

  • Excited

    Very lively and happy.  

  • Excite

    To stimulate someone or something. To give an impulse to a nerve or muscle.  

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