Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Outside the pleural cavity. Relating to the tissues of the chest wall outside the parietal pleura.
Extraembryonic membranes
Membranes which are not part of the embryo. The membranous structures that surround the embryo and contribute to the placenta and umbilical cord. They include the amnion, chorion, allantois, and yolk sac. In man the allantois is always very small and by the end of pregnancy the amnion and chorion have fused into a single…
Extradural haemorrhage
A serious condition where bleeding occurs between the dura mater and the skull. Blood is leaking into the area that is between the inside of the skull and the outer surface of the dura mater, which is the exterior layer of the meninges, the protective cover of the brain. An extradural hemorrhage, which typically happens…
Extradural haematoma
A blood clot which forms in the head outside the dura mater, caused by a blow.
Extracapsular fracture
A fracture of the upper part of the femur, which does not involve the capsule round the hip joint.
External oblique
An outer muscle covering the abdomen.
On the outside of the body.
External jugular
The main jugular vein in the neck, leading from the temporal vein.
External iliac artery
An artery which branches from the aorta in the abdomen and leads to the leg. The large, more superficial division of the common iliac artery that extends down into the thigh and becomes the femoral artery. A branch of the common iliac artery, supplying blood to the anterior abdominal wall and lower limb.
External haemorrhoids
Haemorrhoids in the skin just outside the anus. External hemorrhoids refer to enlarged veins that develop around the exterior of the anus, a condition often referred to as piles. Sometimes, they can be associated with internal hemorrhoids that form further up within the anal canal. If blood in an external hemorrhoid clots, the resultant swelling…
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