Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Feed

    To give food to someone.  

  • Feeble

    Very weak.  

  • Fecundation

    The act of bringing male and female reproductive matter together.  

  • Febrile disease

    A disease which is accompanied by fever.  

  • Febrile convulsion

    A convulsion in a child, lasting a short time, associated with a fever. Convulsion occurring in a child, aged six months to six years, with a high temperature, during which the limbs twitch and he or she may lose consciousness. The condition is common, with one child in 20 suffering from it. It is not…

  • Febricula

    A fever of low intensity or short duration.  

  • Favism

    A type of inherited anaemia caused by an allergy to beans. A condition that develops after consuming certain species (Vicia fabd) of beans; characterized by fever, headache, abdominal pain, severe anemia, prostration, coma, and sometimes death. Anemia resulting from eating fava beans or breathing in the plant’s pollen. It occurs in the Mediterranean area (e.g.,…

  • Fat-soluble

    Able to dissolve in fat. A substance that dissolves in fats and oils. Fat-soluble vitamins require a source of fat for optimal absorption.  

  • Father


    A biological or adoptive male parent. The male who has parents’ rights and parents’ responsibilities toward a child, especially a minor. The male whose genetic inheritance contributed directly to the child and who is one of the child’s nearest blood relatives is the child’s biological father, also called the natural father or birth father. If…

  • Fatally

    In a way which causes death.  

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