Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Femoral canal
The inner tube of the sheath surrounding the femoral artery and vein. The medial division of the femoral sheath. It is a short compartment about 1.5 cm long, lying behind the inguinal ligament. It contains some lymphatic vessels and a lymph node.
Referring to the femur or to the thigh. Adjective relating to the femur or the region of the thigh. For example, the femoral nerve, artery, vein and canal. Related to the femur or the area surrounding the femur.
The development of female characteristics in a male. The development of a feminine appearance in a man, often the result of an imbalance in the sex hormones. Castration, especially before puberty, causes feminization, as may the use of hormones to treat an enlarged prostate gland.
Female condom
Rubber sheath inserted into the vagina before intercourse, covering the walls of the vagina and the cervix. An intravaginal device, similar to the male condom, that is designed to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. It consists of a soft loose-fitting polyurethane sheath closed at one end. A flexible polyurethane ring is inside the…
Felty’s syndrome
A condition, associated with rheumatoid arthritis, in which the spleen is enlarged and the number of white blood cells increases [Described 1924. After Augustus Roi Felty (1895—1963), physician at Hartford Hospital, Connecticut, USA.] An autoimmune condition characterized by the co-occurrence of neutropenia, rheumatoid arthritis, and an enlarged spleen. Felty’s syndrome is a condition marked by…
Fehling’s test
A test for the presence of aldehydes and sugars in a biological sample by means of Fehling’s solution.
Fehling’s solution
A solution used in Fehling’s test to detect sugar in urine [Described 1848. After Hermann Christian von Fehling (1812-85), Professor of Chemistry at Stuttgart, Germany.] Solution of copper sulfate, potassium tartrate, and sodium hydroxide used to test for sugar (especially glucose) in the urine, which, when present, turns the solution reddish. A solution used for…
To touch someone or something, usually with your fingers. To give a sensation. To have a sensation. To believe or think something.
Feeding cup
A special cup with a spout, used for feeding people who cannot feed themselves.
The action of giving someone something to eat.. The supplying of nutrients to someone who is unable to eat independently or in the normal way. The term often applies to infants, who receive their nutrition either through breastfeeding or bottle-feeding using formula. But in a hospital setting, the term feeding generally refers to the provision…
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