Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Fetishist

    A person who has fetishism. One who engages in fetishism.  

  • Fetal position

    A position where a person lies curled up on his or her side, like a fetus in the uterus. The relationship of a specified bony landmark on the fetal presenting part to the quadrants of the maternal.  

  • Fetal monitor

    An electronic device which monitors the fetus in the uterus. Device used during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth to observe the fetal heart rate and maternal uterine contractions. The device may be applied externally on the abdomen of the mother or, less commonly, inserted into the uterus through the vagina.  

  • Fetal heart

    The heart of the fetus.  

  • Fetal dystocia

    A difficult childbirth caused by a malformation or malpresentation of the fetus.  

  • Fetal distress

    A condition, e.g. a heart or respiratory problem, in which a fetus may not survive if the condition is not monitored and corrected. General term for problems experienced by a fetus, especially with getting enough oxygen during the period of LABOR and delivery. Fetal monitoring seeks to identify early signs of fetal distress so that…

  • Fetal

    Referring to a fetus. Age of the conceptus counted from the time of fertilization. Since in most cases pregnancy is counted from the first day of the last menstrual period but fertilization occurs about 2 weeks thereafter, the fetal age is often about 2 weeks less than the calculated length of the pregnancy. Also called…

  • Festination

    A way of walking in which a person takes short steps, seen in people who have Parkinson’s disease. Involuntary quickening and shortening of steps in walking, as occurs in some diseases. To increase in speed or rate; commonly associated with the gait pattern of individuals with Parkinson’s disease. The short tottering steps that characterize the…

  • Fester

    (Of an infected wound) to become inflamed and produce pus. A popular, not a medical, term used to mean any collection or formation of pus. It is applied to both abscesses and ulcers.  

  • Fertility drug

    A drug that stimulates ovulation, given to women undergoing in vitro fertilisation.  

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