Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A hard thin growth covering the end of a finger.
One of the five parts at the end of the hand, but usually not including the thumb. A finger is one of the hand’s appendages. Each finger consists of three finger bones or phalanges, while the thumb has two. These phalanges are connected via hinge joints, which are controlled by muscle tendons that allow the…
Healthy. Referring to something such as hair or thread which is very thin.
Filum terminale
The thin end section of the pia mater in the spinal cord. A long, slender filament of connective tissue at the end of the spinal cord.
A substance which has passed through a filter. The fluid that has been passed through a filter. The residue is the precipitate. The medical term for the water and small molecules that undergo filtration within the nephron of the kidney is referred to as “glomerular filtrate.”
A piece of paper or cloth through which a liquid is passed to remove any solid substances in it. To pass a liquid through any porous substance that prevents particles larger than a certain size from passing through.
A very thin layer of a substance covering a surface. The voltage applied to the terminals of the filament in an x-ray system typically ranges from approximately five to 15 volts. This is a delicate, see-through layer made of cellulose acetate or a similar substance, covered with a coating that’s sensitive to light or radiation,…
A surgical operation carried out by a dentist to fill a hole in a tooth with amalgam. Amalgam, metallic mixture put into a hole in a tooth by a dentist. The operation of inserting a specially prepared substance into a hole drilled in a carious tooth. A temporary filling is used to relieve the pain of…
The procedure of putting a wire into an aneurysm to cause blood clotting.
Filiform papillae
Papillae on the tongue which are shaped like threads, and have no taste buds. Condition of having numerous elongated cone-shaped keratinic projections on the dorsal surface of the tongue. One of the very slender papillae at the tip of the tongue.
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