Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Flesh wound

    A wound which only affects the fleshy part of the body.  

  • Flecainide

    A drug that helps to correct an irregular heartbeat. Oral antiarrhythmic indicated in the treatment of highly symptomatic and/or life-threatening arrhythmias that have not responded to other agents. Adverse effects include visual disturbances, dizziness, shortness of breath, and exacerbation of arrhythmias and of congestive heart failure. Because of the high incidence of potentially dangerous adverse…

  • Flea


    A tiny insect which sucks blood and is a parasite on animals and humans. A small wingless bloodsucking insect with a laterally compressed body and long legs adapted for jumping. Adult fleas are temporary parasites on birds and mammals and those species that attack man (Pulexi Xenopsylla, and Nosopsyllus) may be important in the transmission…

  • Flatworm

    Any of several types of parasitic worm with a flat body, e.g. a tapeworm. A group of flat-bodied, unsegmented worms, most of which are parasitic. Some flatworms live in fresh water, in wetlands, and in salt water; they are rare in the United States. Humans are affected by them through contact with contaminated water. Other…

  • Flatline

    To fail to show on a monitor any of the electrical currents associated with heart or brain activity.  

  • Flat foot

    Flat foot

    A condition in which the soles of the feet lie flat on the ground instead of being arched as usual. Absence of the arching of the foot, so that the sole lies flat upon the ground. It may be present in infancy or be acquired in adult life, usually either from prolonged; standing or from…

  • Flash burn

    A burn caused when a body part is briefly exposed to a source of intense heat. A burn resulting from an explosive blast such as occurs from ignition of highly inflammable fluids, or in war from a high-explosive shell or a nuclear blast.  

  • Flare

    Red colouring of the skin at an infected spot or in urticaria. Reddening of the skin around a lesion produced by an allergic reaction. Reddening of the skin that spreads outward from a focus of infection or irritation in the skin. A flush or spreading area of redness that surrounds a line made by drawing…

  • Flake off

    To fall off as flakes.  

  • Flake fracture

    A fracture where thin pieces of bone come off.  

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