Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Food allergen

    A substance in food which produces an allergy.  

  • Fomites

    Objects touched by someone with a communicable disease which can then be the means of passing on the disease to others. A physical object or surface that transmits an infectious agent from one person to another. A fomite may be a vehicle for larger, visible organisms, such as a comb carrying head lice. It may…

  • Follow-up

    A check on someone who has been examined before. The continued care or monitoring of a patient after the initial visit or examination. Monitoring a person’s health over time after treatment. This includes keeping track of the health of people who participate in a clinical trial for a period of time, both during the study…

  • Follow

    To check on someone who has been examined before in order to assess the progress of a disease or the results of treatment.  

  • Folliculin

    An oestrone, a type of oestrogen.  

  • Follicular tumour

    A tumour in a follicle.  

  • Folic acid

    A vitamin in the Vitamin B complex found in milk, liver, yeast and green vegetables such as spinach, which is essential for creating new blood cells. A water-soluble vitamin of the B-group involved in formation of red blood cells; deficiency is especially prevalent in pregnant women and children and causes anaemias. It is present in…

  • Focus

    The point where light rays converge through a lens. The centre of an infection. Point at which light, sound, or other rays meet, as determined by positions of lenses and other devices; the point of convergence of light after passing through a convex lens is the place at which there is the clearest image. The…

  • Focal myopathy

    Destruction of muscle tissue caused by a substance injected in an intramuscular injection.  

  • Focal epilepsy

    Epilepsy arising from a localised area of the brain.  

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