Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Foundation hospital
In the UK, a proposed type of hospital that would be independent of its Local Health Authority in financial matters.
Fothergill’s operation
A surgical operation to correct prolapse of the uterus [After W. E. Fothergill (1865-1926), British gynaecologist].
Foster parent
A woman or man who brings up a child born to other parents.
Foster children
Children brought up by people who are not their own parents.
An antiviral drug administered by intravenous injection that is effective against herpesviruses that are resistant to acyclovir. It is especially used for people with AIDS.
Fortification figures
Patterns of coloured light, seen as part of the aura before a migraine attack occurs.
Fornix cerebri
A section of white matter in the brain between the hippocampus and the hypothalamus.
A way of indicating a chemical compound using letters and numbers, e.g. H2SO4. Instructions on how to prepare a drug. US powdered milk for babies. A fluid preparation designed to simulate breastmilk in its balance and amount of nutrients (though it cannot give the natural immunization provided by mother to child). Adults appointed by the…
The action of forming something.
A solution of formaldehyde in water, used to preserve medical specimens. Solution of 37% formaldehyde, used to preserve tissue. A solution containing 37% formaldehyde in water, used as a sterilizing agent. It is lethal to bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores. It is used to treat wools and hides to kill anthrax spores. Heating the solution…
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