Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Gametocide

    A drug which kills gametocytes. Agent able to kill sex cells. A drug that kills gametocytes. Drugs such as primaquine destroy gametocytes of the malaria parasite, so interrupting the life cycle and preventing infection of the mosquito. An agent destructive to gametes or gametocytes, particularly those of malaria.  

  • Galvanocautery

    The removal of diseased tissue using an electrically heated needle or loop of wire. A device equipped with a platinum-looped tip that is heated to a faint red hue using a galvanic current. It is employed for the purpose of cutting or ablating tissues.  

  • Gallop rhythm

    The rhythm of heart sounds, three to each cycle, when someone is experiencing tachycardia. Heart rhythm characterized by the presence of an extra sound on stetho-scopic examination; it may indicate a heart abnormality. A cardiac irregularity characterized by an atypical rhythm where the doctor perceives three (occasionally four) audible sounds instead of the customary two.…

  • Dallium

    A metallic element a radioisotope of which is used to detect tumours or other tissue disorders.  

  • Gallipot


    A little container for ointment.  

  • Gallie’s operation

    A surgical operation where tissues from the thigh are used to hold a hernia in place [Described 1921. After William Edward Gallie (1882-1959), Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto, Canada.]  

  • Galactosaemia

    A congenital condition where the liver is incapable of converting galactose into glucose, with the result that a baby’s development may be affected. A rare, recessively inherited disease, (around 1 in 75,000 births). Its importance lies in the disastrous consequences of it being overlooked, and results from the deficiency of an enzyme essential for the…

  • Galactocele

    A breast tumour which contains milk. Breast cyst containing milk and caused by closure of a milk duct. A cyst caused by an occluded lactiferous duct in the breast. A breast tumor containing milk, caused by closure of a milk duct. A cyst-like swelling in the breast which forms as a result of obstruction in…

  • Gait

    Way in which a person walks. The manner in which a person walks. Problems with gait can be a sign of an orthopedic problem or of neurological disease. A gait that is unsteady or uncoordinated may be caused by muscle spasms and nerve damage that were caused by problems such as a cerebral palsy, stroke,…

  • Gain

    An act of adding or increasing something. To increase in weight, strength, or health.  

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