Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A short breath taken with difficulty. To catch the breath; to inhale and exhale with quick, difficult breaths; the act of gasping.
A long deep cut made accidentally by something sharp.
Gas chromatography
A method of separating chemicals by passing them through a gas, used in analysing compounds and mixtures. A laboratory procedure that separates various gases in a two-step process. An analytical technique in which a sample is separated into its component parts between a gaseous mobile phase and a chemically active stationary phase. An analytical technique…
Gas and air analgesia
A form of analgesia used when giving birth, in which a mixture of air and gas is given.
A congenital condition of the metabolism which causes polysaccharides and fat cells to accumulate in the body, resulting in mental impairment, swollen liver and coarse features. A combination of defects often found in (and an outdated term for) Hurler’s syndrome but found in some other genetic disorders as well. Among the characteristics of gargoylism are…
Referring to a ganglion.
The surgical removal of a ganglion.
Gamma camera
A camera for taking photographs of parts of the body into which radioactive isotopes have been introduced. A device that uses the emission of light from a crystal struck by gamma rays to produce an image of the distribution of radioactive material in a body organ. The light is detected by an array of light-sensitive…
Gamgee tissue
A surgical dressing, formed of a layer of cotton wool between two pieces of gauze. Gamgee is a brand name for a material that comprises a thick layer of highly absorbent cotton wool wrapped in gauze. It can be utilized for padding and applying pressure to soft-tissue injuries, as well as treating open wounds like…
The process by which a gamete is formed. Development and maturation of sex cells; it occurs through the process of meiosis. In males it is called spermatogenesis; in females, oogenesis. The process by which spermatozoa and ova are formed. In both sexes the precursor cells undergo meiosis, which halves the number of chromosomes. However, the…
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