Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Giant hives
A large flat white blister caused by an allergic reaction.
Giant-cell arteritis
A disease of old people, which often affects the arteries in the scalp. Chronic inflammation of large and medium arteries, usually in the head and neck, less commonly throughout the body; also known as temporal or cranial arteritis. The disease takes its name from the extremely large cells that develop in the inflamed blood vessels.…
Giant cell
A very large cell, e.g. an osteoclast or megakaryocyte. Any large cell, such as a megakaryocyte. Giant ceils may have one or many nuclei.
Ghon’s focus
A spot on the lung produced by the tuberculosis bacillus [Described 1912. After Anton Ghon (1866—1936), Professor of Pathological Anatomy at Prague, Czech Republic.] The lesion produced in the lung of a previously uninfected person by tubercle bacilli. It is a small focus of granulomatous inflammation, which may become visible on a chest X-ray if…
Get well
To become healthy again after being ill.
Get up
To stand up. To get out of bed.
Getting on
Becoming elderly.
Get over
To become better after an illness or a shock.
Get dressed
To put your clothes on.
Get better
To become healthy again after being ill. (Of an illness) to stop or become less severe.
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