Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Giuteal muscle
A muscle in the buttock.
Gluteal artery
One of the two arteries supplying the buttocks, the inferior gluteal artery or the superior gluteal artery.
An enzyme in the kidneys that helps to break down glutamine. An enzyme, found in the kidney, that catalyzes the breakdown of the amino acid glutamine to ammonia and glutamic acid: a stage in the production of urea. An enzyme occurring in the kidney’s which catalyses the breakdown of glutamine to ammonia a phase in…
Glutamic pyruvic transaminase
An enzyme produced in the liver and released into the blood if the liver is damaged. An enzyme involved in the transamination of amino acids. High levels of this enzyme are found in the liver, and measurement of GPT in the serum (serum GPT, SGPT) is of use in the diagnosis and study of acute…
Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
An enzyme used to test for viral hepatitis.
Glucuronic acid
An acid formed by glucose that acts on bilirubin. A sugar acid derived from glucose. Glucuronic acid is an important constituent of chondroitin sulfate (found in cartilage) and hyaluronic acid (found in synovial fluid). an oxidation product of glucose that is present in the urine. Toxic products (e.g., salicylic acid, menthol, and phenol) that have…
A tumour of the cells of the pancreas that produces glucagon. A malignant tumor of the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. The principal signs and symptoms include weight loss, diabetes mellitus, skin rash, glossitis, elevated serum glucagon levels, and anemia. The treatment is surgical excision or octreotide. A glucagonoma is a type…
A surgical incision into the tongue.
Paralysis of the tongue, e.g., after a stroke or an injury to the 12th cranial nerve.
Glossopharyngeal nerve
The ninth cranial nerve which controls the pharynx, the salivary glands and part of the tongue. One of a pair of mixed sensory and motor nerves, the ninth cranial nerves, essential to taste, sensation in the palate, secretion of the parotid glands, and swallowing. The ninth cranial nerve that connects the brain stem to the…
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