Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Haematin

    A substance which forms from haemoglobin when bleeding takes place.  

  • Haematic

    Referring to blood.  

  • Haemarthrosis

    Pain and swelling caused by blood leaking into a joint. Haemarthrosis is the process of bleeding into, or the presence of blood in, a joint. It may occur as a result of major trauma (for example, fracture of the patella may lead to bleeding into the knee-joint) or, more commonly, following minor trauma. It can…

  • Haemangioma

    A harmless tumour which forms in blood vessels and appears on the skin as a birthmark. A swelling consisting of a mass of blood vessels. These can be acquired or congenital. The most common of the congenital types is the ‘strawberry naevus’, a capillary-cavernous haemangioma appearing at or soon after birth, which may grow to…

  • Haemagglutination

    The clumping of red blood cells, often used to test for the presence of antibodies.  

  • Hacking cough

    A continuous short dry cough. A series of repeated efforts, as in many respiratory infections.  

  • Habitus

    The general physical appearance of a person, including build and posture. A physical appearance, body build, or constitution.  

  • Habitual abortion

    A condition in which a woman has abortions with successive pregnancies. Repeated spontaneous expulsion of the products of conception in three or more pregnancies, often for no known cause. Three or more consecutive spontaneous abortions. “Habitual abortion” is an outdated term used to describe the spontaneous abortion of a fetus in three or more consecutive…

  • Habitual

    Done frequently or as a matter of habit.  

  • Habit-forming drug

    A drug which is addictive.  

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