Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Porphyrin produced from haemoglobin.
A condition in which blood leaks into the spinal cord.
A mass of blood under the skin caused by a blow or by the effects of an operation. A collection of blood forming a swelling. It may occur as the result of any injury or operation and is common on the head of newborn children after a long labour. A haematoma is a localized collection…
The scientific study of blood, its formation and its diseases. Hematology is the field of study that focuses on blood and its formation. It also involves the investigation and treatment of disorders that impact both the blood and the bone marrow. Microscopic examination and counting of blood and bone marrow cells are crucial procedures for…
A doctor who specialises in haematology. A doctor or scientist who specialises in the study and treatment of blood and blood disorders.
Referring to haematology.
An adjective applied to a biological process which produces blood, or to an agent produced in or coming from blood. For example, a haematogenous infection is one resulting from contact with blood that contains a virus or bacterium responsible for the infection.
A cyst which contains blood.
A condition in which the vagina is filled with blood at menstruation because the hymen has no opening. The condition in which menstrual blood cannot drain from the vagina because of an imperforate hymen. It becomes obvious in adolescence, often presenting with regular abdominal pains. Simple surgical treatment cures the condition. Haematocolpos is a rare…
A swelling caused by blood leaking into a cavity, especially the scrotum. A cavity containing blood. Generally as the result of an injury which ruptures blood vessels, blood is effused into one of the natural cavities of the body, or among loose cellular tissue, producing a haematocoele.
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