Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Haemorrhagic

    Referring to heavy bleeding.  

  • Haemopoietic

    Referring to the formation of blood in the bone marrow.  

  • Haemopoiesis

    The continual production of blood cells and blood platelets in the bone marrow.  

  • Haemophthalmia

    A condition in which blood is found in the vitreous humour of the eye.  

  • Haemophilus influenzae

    A bacterium which lives in healthy throats, but which can cause pneumonia if a person’s resistance is lowered by a bout of flu. Pleomorphic species seen in acute and chronic infections of respiratory tract (especially bronchitis), in which area it may also appear commensally. Requires both X and V factors; produces very small colonies which…

  • Haemophilic

    Referring to haemophilia.  

  • Haemophiliac

    A person who has haemophilia.  

  • Haemophilia B

    A less common type of haemophilia, in which the inability to synthesise Factor IX, a protein that promotes blood clotting, means that the blood clots very slowly.  

  • Haemophilia A

    The most common type of haemophilia, in which the inability to synthesise Factor VIII, a protein that promotes blood clotting, means that the blood clots very slowly.  

  • Haemophilia

    A disorder linked to a recessive gene on the X-chromosome in which the blood clots much more slowly than usual, resulting in extensive bleeding from even minor injuries. The gene is passed by women to their male children and the disorder is seen almost exclusively in boys. An inherited disorder of blood coagulation which results…

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