Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Hammer toe
A toe which has the middle joint permanently bent downwards. A condition in which a toe becomes deformed in such a way that it bends downward or becomes clenched like a claw. It is painful and causes a reduction in the person’s ability to move the toe, sometimes making it uncomfortable and difficult to walk…
A benign tumour containing tissue from any organ. Benign tumor consisting of an overgrowth of mature cells that normally occur in the affected part, but often with one element or type predominating. A benign (not cancerous) tumorlike growth consisting of normal mature cells in abnormal numbers or distribution. For example, a lung hamartoma contains normal…
A general anaesthetic that is given by inhalation. Aa potent general anesthetic administered by inhalation, used for inducing and maintaining anesthesia in all types of surgical operations. Reduced blood pressure and irregular heartbeat may occur during halothane anesthesia. A volatile liquid anaesthetic, used for many years as a potent inhalant anaesthetic. It provides smooth induction…
Halo splint
A device used to keep the head and neck still so that they can recover from injury or an operation.
Referring to a drug which causes hallucinations.
To have hallucinations.
Hairy cell leukaemia
A form of leukaemia in which white blood cells have fine projections.
Hair papilla
A part of the skin containing capillaries which feed blood to the hair. A projection of the dermis that is surrounded by the base of the hair bulb. It contains the capillaries that supply blood to the growing hair. A projection of the corium that extends into the hair bulb at the bottom of a…
Hairline fracture
A very slight crack in a bone caused by injury. A very thin break line of the bone with pieces closely approximated, which is often difficult to detect on an x-ray. A minor fracture in which all the portions of the bone are in perfect alignment. The fracture is seen on a radiograph as a…
Hair cell
A receptor cell which converts fluid pressure changes into nerve impulses carried in the auditory nerve. Specialized hearing receptor cells of the inner ear, located in the organ of Corti within the cochlea. Rod-shaped hair-like processes project from each cell. Sound waves cause movement of fluid within the cochlea, leading to motion of the hairs.…
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