Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Health and safety executive
In the UK, a government organisation responsible for overseeing the health and safety of workers.
Health and safety at work act
In the UK, an Act of Parliament which rules how the health of workers should be protected by the companies they work for.
Health action zone
In the UK, an area in which the government has funded specific actions to redress health inequalities.
The process of getting better. Process of restoring health or normal function or of natural repair of damaged or cut tissue. The act or process through which a person regains the normal structural and functional characteristics of health and well-being after an illness or injury. The process through which the body restores and heals bone,…
(Of wound) to return to a healthy state. To make someone or something get better.
Head cold
A minor illness, with inflammation of the nasal passages, excess mucus in the nose and sneezing.
Inflammation in the nasal passage and eyes caused by an allergic reaction to plant pollen.
Haversian system
A unit of compact bone built around a Haversian canal, made of a series of bony layers which form a cylinder. Basic unit of bone, consisting of a central Haversian canal around which bone matrix and bone cells occur. One of the cylindrical units of which compact bone is made. A Haversian canal forms a…
A sac on the outside of the colon. One of the pouches on the external surface of the colon. One of the sacculations of the colon caused by longitudinal bands of smooth muscle (taeniae coli) that are shorter than the gut.
Hashimoto’s disease
A type of goitre in middle-aged women, where the woman is sensitive to secretions from her own thyroid gland, and, in extreme cases, the face swells and the skin turns yellow [Described 1912. After Hakuru Hashimoto (1881-1934), Japanese surgeon.] An autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. The gland is enlarged with a firm goitrous appearance.…
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