Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A surgical operation to remove a hernial sac. The surgical removal of the sac of connective tissue surrounding a hernia. In children or healthy young adults with an inguinal hernia, a herniotomy is usually sufficient to cure the condition. Surgery for the relief of a hernia; an operation for the correction of irreducible hernia, especially…
A surgical operation to remove a hernia and repair the organ through which it protruded. Surgical repair of an opening in the wall of a body or cavity. An operation in which a hernia (a protrusion of soft tissue through other tissue, usually muscle, that normally contains it) is surgically corrected. It is the typical…
A surgical operation to reduce a hernia. The surgical operation to repair a hernia, in which the abnormal opening is sewn up and/or the weakness strengthened with suture material. A surgical technique for repair of a hernia. The abnormal opening is sewn up with sutures, or the weakness by the insertion of a polypropylene mesh.…
The development of a hernia. The displacement of body tissue through an opening or defect.
Referring to an organ which has developed a hernia. Enclosed in or protruding like a hernia.
Hernial sac
A sac formed where a membrane has pushed through a cavity in the body. In the peritoneum, a saclike protrusion containing a herniated organ.
Referring to a hernia.
A condition in which a person has both male and female characteristics. A genetic abnormality in which a person is born with both male and female sex organs. The cause of this abnormality is not well understood. In one form of the disorder, during embryonic development, abnormalities in cell division occur that provide the baby…
Hering-breuer reflexes
The reflexes which maintain the usual rhythmic inflation and deflation of the lungs.
Herbal remedy
A medicine made from plants, e.g. an infusion made from dried leaves or flowers in hot water. Plant leaves, roots, seeds, or extracts used to prevent or treat human ailments.
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