Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Exposure time

    The allocation of time for a specific mA value at a predetermined Kv.P. setting, aiming to achieve optimal radiography, plays a crucial role. Time can be quantified either in fractional or decimal units, and it exerts a direct influence on the resulting density of the image.  

  • Exposure meter

    A specialized ionization chamber, known as the Victoreen R-meter, is utilized to directly measure the cumulative exposure to x-radiation in milliroentgens.  

  • Exposure-dose rate

    The exposure dose per unit time. The unit of exposure-dose rate is the roentgen per unit time.

  • Exposure dose

    At a specific location, the quantification of x-ray or gamma radiation is determined by its capacity to induce ionization. The roentgen stands as the designated unit for measuring the extent of radiation exposure.  

  • Exit dose

    The quantity of radiant energy that remains once it has traversed the entity, commonly referred to as residual radiation.  

  • Evaporation of filament

    Through extended usage, the filament’s diameter gradually diminishes, resulting in an escalation of electrical resistance due to the reduction in diameter.  

  • Erg

    The fundamental unit of energy and work in the centimeter-gram-second system is known as the erg. It represents the amount of work accomplished when a force of one dyne is exerted over a distance of one centimeter.  

  • Energy dependence

    The distinctive reaction of a radiation detector to a specific range of radiation energies or wavelengths, as compared to the response of a standard free-air chamber.  

  • X-ray film emulsion

    It comprises of silver bromide particles dispersed in gelatin, with the potential inclusion of a small quantity of sodium iodide. The emulsion is applied to both sides of a polyester plastic base.        

  • Elion

    A component of the developing agent known as metol. Elon is a trademark of Eastman Kodak.  

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