Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Grid radius
The distance separating the x-ray tube focus and the grid.
Radiographic grid
A radiographic device, composed of radiolucent material interspersed with lead strips, primarily designed to reduce scatter and secondary radiation. It is positioned between the patient and the x-ray film. Refer to parallel grid, focused grid, and stationary grid for further information on different types of grids.
Grid lines
Linear markings are visible on the final radiograph due to the immobility of the Bucky diaphragm during exposure or its failure to follow the prescribed grid radius.
Grid focus
The convergence point is the location where all radiopaque strips within a grid would intersect if extended.
Electronic grid
An electrode positioned between the cathode and anode of an x-ray tube, which regulates the movement of electrons from the cathode to the anode.
Gray scale
The term refers to the number of distinguishable gray tones perceived by the human eye when transitioning from the darkest shade of black to the brightest shade of white.
A unit of integral absorbed dose of radiation is referred to as a rad, which is equivalent to 100 ergs per gram.
Film graininess
The aggregation of the emulsion in a radiographic film results in clumping. A finer grain and reduced visibility of emulsion clumping on the final radiograph are observed with slower film speeds. The minuscule graininess is not a significant concern. However, considering the different speeds of radiographic film, it does contribute to the occurrence of radiographic…
Plane geometry
The branch of mathematics that concerns itself with figures confined to a single plane is known as plane geometry. It encompasses five primary divisions: straight lines, rectangles, squares, triangles, and circles.
Geometric detail
The radiograph produces a clear and well-defined image, regardless of whether the image may be over- or underexposed, over- or under-penetrated.
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