Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Hard x-ray
An X-ray with a high degree of penetrating power is achieved through high kilovolt peak (Kv.P.) settings, which in turn leads to radiographic images with long scale contrast.
Hard steel
Due to its properties of low permeability and high retentivity, it finds application in the production of permanent magnets.
Radiographic hardness
The penetrative capacity of X-rays is determined by their wavelength. As the wavelength becomes shorter, the radiation becomes more intense and gains greater penetrating power.
Half-wave rectification
Rectification refers to the process by which an electric current exclusively passes during the positive impulse or alternation of a sinusoidal waveform.
The time duration equivalent to half a cycle or 180° at the operational frequency of a circuit or device.
The Xonics tomographic and radiographic system provides a range of imaging capabilities, including linear, circular, and trispiral tomography, in addition to routine radiographic functions.
Guide shoe marks
Evenly spaced lines or marks that occur during the film transport, manifesting as either positive or negative density variations. These lines are attributed to the guide shoe adjustment on the developer rack of an automatic processor being set too close to the adjacent roller.
Grows up
The term used to describe the electromotive force (emf) generated by the magnetic field expanding around a conductor.
Ground wire
A conductor employed for connecting electric equipment to a ground rod or another grounded object.
A conductor wire links the highest voltage point of the x-ray equipment to the ground or earth, serving as a safety measure to prevent electrical shocks. In this setup, any surplus of electrons can be discharged to the ground, while any shortage of electrons can be replenished from the ground.
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