Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Lead equivalent

    The quantity of lead necessary to diminish radiation when considering the particular substance involved.  

  • Law of Conservation of Energy

    The principle that states energy cannot be created nor annihilated, but can be transformed from one form to another.  

  • X-ray film latitude

    The film emulsion’s capacity to capture radiographic images exhibiting an extensive spectrum of gray tones.  

  • Radiographic latitude

    The spectrum of factors affecting the creation of a diagnostic radiographic image encompasses the diversity in exposure conditions. It encompasses the magnitude of disparity between the highest and lowest levels of density within a radiograph, aligning with the desired standard for diagnostic accuracy. When unbounded by constraints, the utilization of an extensive scale latitude results…

  • Density latitude

    The milliampere-second (mA.S.) does not have a strongly critical impact when an incorrect value is used because most x-ray films have a certain range of density latitude. Density latitude refers to the range of density (measured in mA.S.) within a radiographic exposure that is not significantly influenced or affected. In other words, even if the…

  • Laminated silicon steel plates

    The iron core of a transformer is constructed by using silicon steel plates that are insulated from each other with a layer of varnish. This lamination process is implemented to minimize the occurrence of eddy currents. The core is made up of multiple thin plates of silicon steel that are stacked together, with each plate…

  • Laminated core

    The core material of transformers is constructed using laminated layers to reduce the effects of eddy currents. By utilizing this layered design, the transformer’s core is made up of thin, insulated sheets that are stacked together. This laminated structure helps to minimize the circulation of eddy currents within the core material. Eddy currents are induced…

  • kymoscope

    An X-ray machine utilized for the visualization of kymographic films.  

  • Kymograph

    A specialized apparatus used to visually capture and document the extent of movement exhibited by different organs, particularly the chambers of the heart during each phase of the cardiac cycle, is known as a kymographic device. The technique employed for this purpose is referred to as kymography.  

  • K shell

    The innermost electron shell encircling the nucleus of an atom consists of electrons distinguished by the principal quantum number 1.  

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