Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Line-focus principle

    When referring to the anode of a diagnostic tube, if one were lying supine and looking upward at the target, the observed focal spot would appear as a smaller spot instead of the actual rectangular shape it possesses. In other words, the actual focal spot dimensions are 2mm x 4mm, while the effective focal spot…

  • Ultrasound linear scanning

    In a scanning system, the transducer moves along the body’s form in a linear fashion while maintaining a fixed direction of the beam.  

  • Linear attenuation coefficient

    The ratio of the change in x-ray beam intensity as it passes through a uniform material of unit length (aligned parallel to the x-ray beam) relative to a predetermined attenuation standard.  

  • Light fog

    The presence of fog density on a completed radiograph can arise from various factors. It may occur when the darkroom lacks lightproof conditions, when film holders exhibit cracks, when the power of the light bulb is excessively high, when the safelight filter is cracked, when an incorrect safelight series is employed, when the film is…

  • L electron

    Consider an electron occupying an orbit within the L shell, which corresponds to the second electron shell encircling the nucleus of an atom.  

  • Left-hand thumb rule

    By gripping the wire in the left hand and aligning the thumb in the direction of electron flow (from negative to positive), the encircling fingers will indicate the orientation of the magnetic lines of force around the wire.  

  • Left-hand rule

    When considering a movable wire carrying an electric current or an electron beam within a magnetic field, a handy rule known as the left-hand rule, dynamo rule, or Fleming’s left-hand rule can be employed. By extending the thumb, first finger, and second finger of the left hand at right angles to each other, with the…

  • Capacitor leaky

    In a capacitor, when the resistance declines below its typical value, it results in the occurrence of excessive leakage current.  

  • Electrical leak

    In an electric capacitor or condenser that stores electrical energy on the insulated surface of the parallel plates, an escape or leak of energy may occur. This loss or leak of energy cannot be corrected and the replacement of the Capacitor is necessary.  

  • Lead rubber

    Lead-impregnated rubber, renowned for its malleability, finds application in protective aprons and gloves due to its exceptional flexibility.  

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