Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Maxwell Theory of Radiation

    Radiation refers to the propagation of electromagnetic waves characterized by specific wavelengths and frequencies of vibrations. These waves travel at the speed of light and possess no electrical charge. On the contrary, the photon or quantum theory presents a contrasting viewpoint.  

  • Maximum voltage

    The magnitude of alternating current that can achieve an equal amount of work as its corresponding direct current value is known as the effective current. In an alternating current system, the maximum voltage is 1.41 times greater than the effective voltage.  

  • Maximum current

    The magnitude of alternating current that can accomplish an equivalent amount of work as its corresponding direct current value is known as the effective current. The maximum current in an alternating current system is 1.41 times greater than the effective current.  

  • Manually controlled line voltage compensator

    An apparatus designed for manual adjustment of the incoming line voltage by manipulating a gauge located on the control panel. This device is positioned in parallel with the autotransformer.  

  • Mammorex

    The Picker mammographic system is meticulously crafted to cater to the specific demands of breast imaging.  

  • Mammomat

    The Siemens mammographic apparatus offers versatility in employing non-screen film, film/screen amalgamations, or xeroradiography techniques.  

  • Mammography film

    A solitary emulsion film distinguished by its pronounced contrast, leisurely sensitivity, and exquisite granularity. Numerous variants of mammography film cater to the requirements of low dose systems.  

  • Main switch

    Typically, a double-blade, single-throw switch is employed in this context. When the switch is closed, it enables the passage of alternating current to the x-ray machine. This switch configuration allows for a straightforward operation, where both blades simultaneously make contact with their corresponding terminals upon closure. As a result, the circuit is completed, facilitating the…

  • Main gain control

    In the realm of medical imaging, there exist several control mechanisms that influence the ability to penetrate the patient and produce optimal input and output results. These include input/output control, dampening control, and other related parameters. Input/output control regulates the power levels and intensities of the imaging system, striking a balance between achieving sufficient penetration…

  • Magnitude of ripple

    The interval between successive peaks of a sinusoidal waveform resulting from rectified current is referred to as the peak-to-peak distance. This metric represents the measure of the spatial separation from one peak to the subsequent peak along the waveform’s cycle. By examining this distance, one can gain insights into the periodic nature of the rectified…

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