Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Neutron excess

    The number of neutrons in a nucleus that surpasses the number of protons is known as the neutron excess.  

  • Neutral atom

    An atom in which the number of positive charges within the nucleus is balanced by the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus.  

  • Net density

    The density exceeding the base density or fog (0.25) and is generated as a result of the exposure.  

  • N electron

    An electron occupying an orbital within the N shell, which corresponds to the fourth electron shell located outside the atomic nucleus when counted sequentially from the nucleus.  

  • Negatron

    The product of pair production, known as a negatron, is essentially a free electron that can subsequently become part of an atom by joining it.  

  • Negative terminal

    The negative (-) terminal of a battery, characterized by an excess of electrons beyond its usual state, serves as the source from which electrons flow through the external circuit towards the positive terminal.  

  • Negative electron

    An electron, distinct from a positive electron or positron, is commonly referred to as a negatron.  

  • Negative charge

    The state of an atom possessing an excess of electrons beyond its usual configuration is referred to as an electron-rich condition.  

  • X-ray tube neck

    The small tubular component of the x-ray tube envelope, which extends from the funnel to the base and serves as a protective housing, is known as the tube neck.  

  • Mylographic stop

    A myelographic stop is a mechanical apparatus employed alongside myelographic examinations to prevent the fluoroscopy equipment from coming into contact with or displacing the needle used for lumbar puncture.  

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