Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Panoramix

    Originally developed for dental radiography, this portable unit generates an x-ray beam that resembles an umbrella in shape. The tube extends 4½ inches and can be positioned within any anatomical cavity, enabling the production of radiographs that offer a unique inside-out perspective, minimizing superimposition and reducing distortion and elongation.  

  • Pair production

    A high-energy photon in the megavoltage range, with energy exceeding 1.02 million electron volts (MeV), which, upon interaction with a nucleus, can undergo annihilation and produce a pair consisting of a negative electron (negatron) and a positive electron (positron).  

  • Overdevelopment

    Allowing the film to remain in the developer for a duration longer than the standard or pre-set time. This action results in a reduction in radiographic contrast and an increase in radiographic density.  

  • Output side

    The secondary portion of a transformer or electrical device.  

  • Out – of – phase

    The antithesis of being in-phase. It refers to periodic motions that do not occur simultaneously in each component. Being one hundred eighty degrees out-of-phase indicates that they are precisely opposite to each other at any given time.  

  • O shell

    The fifth electron shell surrounding the nucleus of an atom, housing electrons distinguished by the principal quantum number 5.  

  • Oscillating grid

    A grid that undergoes motion during the exposure, also known as a reciprocating grid.  

  • Orthovoltage therapy radiation

    The voltage utilized in this treatment ranges from 200 to 250 kilovolts peak (kVp). This particular type of treatment is primarily employed for addressing lesions situated at depths considerably beneath the surface of the skin.  

  • Orthicon

    A remarkably sensitive television camera employed for fluoroscopic image intensification. It belongs to the category of television pick-up tubes, typically measuring three or four inches in diameter and 15 to 18 inches in length. This camera encompasses a photo-multiplier section that ensures exceptional sensitivity to low levels of light.  

  • Orbix

    The Siemens X-ray unit is designed specifically for conducting survey and precision detail radiography of the skull and small bones of the skeleton. It can be utilized with patients positioned either in a recumbent or seated posture.  

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