Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Permanent magnet

    A solid object made of robust steel, alnico, or alternative magnetic materials, possessing a powerful magnetization that endures indefinitely, preserving its magnetic properties over time.  

  • Percent depth dose

    The radiation dose administered at a specific tissue depth, expressed as a percentage of the dose delivered to the skin or the dose measured in the air.  

  • Radiographic penetration

    The degree of translucency exhibited by bodily images, encompassing bones and tissues, which is governed by Kv.P.  

  • P electron

    A subatomic particle known as an electron, orbiting within the P shell, designated as the sixth electron shell encircling the atomic nucleus, as we count outward from the nucleus.  

  • Peak value

    The pinnacle magnitude of current, voltage, or power attained within the specified time interval. In the case of a sinusoidal waveform, it is equivalent to 1.41 times the root mean square value.  

  • Peak -to- peak

    Transcending the zenith of positivity to the nadir of negativity within the realm of an oscillating magnitude.  

  • Passbox

    Nestled within the wall, a meticulously constructed enclosure ensconces light, impervious to its intrusion, while also safeguarding against the penetrating gaze of x-rays. A masterwork of design, this container boasts a pair of interlocking doors, ingeniously synchronized to permit the opening of only one door at any given moment. Strategically positioned between the realms of…

  • Part thickness

    The measurement of the examined part, typically expressed in centimeters.  

  • Parallel grid

    A grid constructed with lead strips positioned perpendicular to one another, ensuring that the projected lead strips do not converge at any point regardless of the distance. This particular grid design allows for a substantial target-grid distance, but it is crucial for avoiding grid cut-off at distances below 36 inches.  

  • Parallel circuit

    An electrical circuit composed of components that form a branch from the main power supply. Its key attributes are as follows: the amperage is divided or varies within the circuit, the voltage remains constant, and the total resistance is always less than the smallest resistor present in the circuit.  

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