Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • pick-up tube

    It pertains to the responsive component found within a television camera, which facilitates the conversion of a light image into an electrical signal.  

  • Physiological effect

    It refers to the impact that drugs or agents can potentially exert on living cells or tissues.  

  • Phototimer

    A timer is incorporated into the x-ray machine to facilitate automatic shutdown once the film has received the appropriate exposure. This determination is made by an integrating photoelectric measuring system, which actively monitors a fluorescent screen positioned behind the film.  

  • Photoscanner

    A scintiscanner apparatus is employed to generate a graphical representation of pulses obtained from the radioactivity emitted by an isotope within an organism.  

  • Photon theory of radiation

    It is asserted that radiation manifests as an energetic cascade, exhibiting heterogeneity in its composition. This radiation travels at the speed of light, devoid of any electrical charge. It is occasionally referred to as the quantum theory, while Dr. Albert Einstein put forth the proton theory of radiation.  

  • Photovolt pH meter

    It is utilized for pH monitoring purposes, aiming to assess the impact of replenishment rates and verify the state of exhaustion of the developer solution.  

  • Photoelectric interaction with true absorption

    In the process of irradiating a material, the radiation it emits, in the form of photons, has the potential to interact with tightly bound electrons, those in close proximity to the atomic nucleus. This interaction can result in the displacement of an electron, endowing it with kinetic energy, which is referred to as the photoelectric…

  • Photoconductive material

    In the realm of material conductivity, there exists a fascinating type known as a photosensitive conductor. What sets this conductor apart is its unique characteristic of having its conductance influenced by the quantity of incident light. In simpler terms, the conductivity of this material varies in response to the amount of light it receives.  

  • Photocathode

    In the realm of light-sensitive devices, there exists a remarkable photosensitive surface that, when subjected to the presence of light or radiation, releases electrons. This innovative technology finds its application in television camera tubes and various other devices that rely on light sensitivity.  

  • Electrical phase

    The advancement of wave configuration in an alternating current relative to the initial reference point of each cycle. Typically quantified in degrees, where a full 360-degree rotation corresponds to the completion of a single cycle.  

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