Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Radiographic polaroid unit

    The mobile unit you are referring to is a device that has the capability to quickly process radiographic images captured on photographic film emulsion. This unit is commonly utilized in operating rooms to provide a rapid diagnosis shortly after an X-ray is taken. Its fast processing time allows medical professionals to promptly assess the images…

  • Pocket dosimeter

    The ionization chamber radiation monitor takes the form of a fountain pen, designed to detect and measure radiation exposure. The exposure reading can be obtained using a separate electrometer, and the monitor is sensitive to exposures as low as 0.2R (200 milliroentgen).  

  • Plurigraph

    The Picker tomographic system is specifically engineered to enable pluridirectional and rectilinear tomography. In addition, it possesses the versatility to function as both a flat bucky for routine studies in a horizontal position, as well as an erect configuration for upright imaging procedures.  

  • Plumbicon tube

    A specific type of television pick-up tube renowned for its exceptional sensitivity to light stimulation and renowned for its high resolution capabilities.  

  • Plesiosette

    A multiple screen cassette apparatus for separating films one millimeter apart to provide multiple tomography films with one exposure.  

  • Anode pitting

    Minute indentations become visible on the target surface as a result of overloading the x-ray tube.  

  • Pinhole camera

    It is specifically designed to gauge the dimensions of the focal spot in x-ray tubes.  

  • Pi mesons

    Pions, commonly referred to as such, occupy an intermediate scale between that of an electron and a proton in terms of size. A pion carries a mass that is 273 times greater than that of an electron, while being one-sixth the mass of a proton.  

  • Pi lines

    The phenomenon of plus density lines typically manifests approximately 3.14 inches away from the leading edge of the radiograph. These lines occur due to the accumulation of residual gelatin and byproducts of the developer, forming a continuous line along a roller positioned within the developer transport rack of an automatic processor.  

  • Piezoelectric crystals

    It is essential for the substance to possess an ionic charge capable of interacting with an externally applied electric field, thereby generating a mechanical effect. Examples of such substances include barium titanate and lead zirconate.  

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