Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Radium needle

    A needle-shaped radium cell, typically made of platinum-iridium or gold alloy, specifically designed to be inserted into tissue.  

  • Radiopague

    X-rays and other types of radiation are unable to significantly penetrate or pass through it.  

  • Radiometallography

    X-ray equipment is employed to analyze the crystal structure and additional properties of metals and alloys. This examination enables a comprehensive understanding of their composition and structural features.  

  • Radiolucent sponge

    The patient can be positioned at different angles by utilizing sponge-like block wedges placed underneath them. These wedges enable the tilting of the patient in a range of degrees.  

  • Radiocesium

    Cesium-137, a noteworthy radioisotope obtained from the waste generated by nuclear reactors, possesses various practical applications. It finds utility in the sterilization of food products and serves as a substitute for radium in certain medical procedures. With a half-life of 37 years, this particular radioisotope exhibits a gradual decay process over an extended period of…

  • Radioactive source

    Within the realm of radiation, there exists a significant entity known as a radioactive material, which denotes any amount of substance deliberately employed as a source of ionizing radiation.  

  • Radioactive half-life

    In the realm of radioisotopes, there exists a significant temporal concept known as the half-life. This fundamental measure signifies the duration it takes for a specific radioisotope to diminish to precisely half of its initial value.  

  • Radioactive element

    In the vast realm of elemental substances, there exist captivating entities known as radioactive elements, which possess the extraordinary characteristic of undergoing spontaneous disintegration. This remarkable process entails the emission of diverse rays and particles as a byproduct. Several notable instances of such radioactive elements include promethium, radium, thorium, and uranium.  

  • Radiation warning symbol

    The customary emblem employed on placards exhibited in areas where potential radiation risks are present entails a magenta trefoil icon, prominently etched in black upon a vibrant yellow backdrop.  

  • Radiation monitor

    The device at hand is a sophisticated apparatus designed to identify and quantify the presence of radioactive particles residing upon garments and the human physique.  

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