Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Stop bath

    A mixture comprising water and acetic acid, employed as an intermediary solution between the developer and the fixer in order to halt the film development process.  

  • Stereoscopic examination

    A radiographic examination that yields a visual representation in three dimensions, providing a comprehensive view of the anatomical structure under scrutiny.  

  • Stem radiation

    X-rays emitted from areas of the anode apart from the designated target region within an X-ray tube.  

  • Stator

    Within an induction motor, there exists a component referred to as the stator. The stator encompasses the stationary elements of the magnetic circuit, as well as their corresponding windings. It forms an integral part of the motor’s construction, playing a crucial role in facilitating its operation.  

  • Stationary grid

    A notable variation within the realm of X-ray systems is the stationary grid, characterized by its immobility during the exposure process. In the year 1913, Gustave Bucky introduced the pioneering concept of a stationary grid—an innovative rectangular device, slender and level, possessing dimensions comparable to those of the film. This device was positioned between the…

  • Stationary anode tube

    In the realm of X-ray technology, there exists a variant known as a stationary anode X-ray, distinguished by its unique design. The anode component of this apparatus comprises a solid copper block in which a diminutive tungsten button is embedded, serving as the target for X-ray production.  

  • Static marks

    Static marks, akin to miniature lightning bolts, manifest on processed x-ray films as a consequence of static electricity discharge during the unwrapping of the film from its protective paper or when individual films are separated after being stacked together.  

  • Starter solution

    The primary purpose of a starter solution, comprising bromide, acetic acid, and water, resides in its ability to empower the fresh developer to emulate the performance achieved after a series of radiographs have undergone processing. It is crucial to note that the utilization of a starter solution is exclusive to automatic processor systems.  

  • Star winding

    Often referred to as the “Y” winding, the secondary coil configuration employed in three-phase x-ray generators embodies a notable significance.  

  • Stanford and wheatstone stereoscope

    A remarkable specimen of optical ingenuity, the floor model of a stereoscope, constructed with an intricate arrangement of mirrors and prisms, serves as a medium to present radiographic images in a captivating manner. Regrettably, this marvel remains in limited utilization due to its substantial dimensions and exorbitant price. As a viable alternative, one may consider…

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