Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Television frame

    Within the scanning system, there exists a distinct segment known as the scanning phase where the subject scene undergoes a comprehensive, single-time scan. In the majority of cases, a television frame comprises multiple television fields arranged in an interlace pattern.  

  • Television field

    During a scanning cycle, there is a specific phase referred to as the scanning period, wherein the picture is scanned once, starting from the upper left and progressing diagonally towards the lower right.  

  • Television camera

    The pickup unit serves as the device responsible for transforming a visual scene into corresponding electric signals.  

  • Teleroentgenography

    X-ray studies are conducted with the X-ray tube positioned at a minimum distance of six feet from the film. This arrangement aims to achieve parallel rays and reduce distortion to the greatest extent possible.  

  • Target -film distance

    The focal-film distance (FFD) refers to the distance extending from the focal spot of the X-ray tube to the X-ray film.  

  • Target angle

    The target angle denotes the degree of deviation from a perpendicular direction at which the stream of electrons impinges upon the target.  

  • Taps

    Taps refer to additional contact points emanating from the autotransformer, allowing for the precise application of a predetermined voltage to the primary winding of the high voltage transformer.  

  • Processing tank

    Metal containers utilized for storing processing solutions are fabricated from stainless steel due to its corrosion-resistant properties and its ability to facilitate swift temperature equalization. These tanks are equipped with insulated outer walls to prevent moisture condensation and ensure consistent temperature control.  

  • X-ray table

    A radiolucent surface designed to accommodate the patient during an X-ray examination, allowing them to assume either an upright or horizontal position.  

  • Synchronous motor

    A synchronous machine is an apparatus that converts alternating current (AC) electric power into mechanical power.  

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