Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Watery

    Liquid, like water.  

  • Waterston’s operation

    A surgical operation to treat Fallot’s tetralogy, in which the right pulmonary artery is joined to the ascending aorta [After David James Waterston (1910-85), paediatric surgeon in London, UK].  

  • Watering eye

    An eye which fills with tears because of an irritation. Not allowing water through. An expansion in the volume of the tear film, often resulting in the condition known as epiphora, where tears overflow. This can be triggered by heightened tear production due to emotional factors, irritation of the conjunctiva or cornea, or a blockage…

  • Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome

    A condition caused by blood poisoning with meningococci, in which the tissues of the adrenal glands dié and haemorrhage [Described 1911 by Rupert Waterhouse (1873-1958), physician at Bath, UK; described 1918 by Carl Friderichsen (b. 1886), Danish physician]. A form of septicemia (blood poisoning) caused by meningococcal bacteria that causes hemorrhaging of the person’s adrenal…

  • Waterbrash

    A condition caused by dyspepsia, in which there is a burning feeling in the stomach and the mouth suddenly fills with acid saliva. A sudden filling of the mouth with regurgitated stomach acid. This often accompanies dyspepsia, particularly if there is nausea. Waterbrash, or pyrosis. A symptom of ‘indigestion’ when the mouth fills with tasteless…

  • Water bed

    A mattress made of a large heavy plastic bag filled with water, used to prevent bedsores. A bed with a flexible water-containing mattress. The surface of the bed adapts itself to the patient’s posture, which leads to greater comfort and fewer bedsores. A bed with a water-filled mattress can help prevent bed sores in patients…

  • Water balance

    A state where the water lost by the body, e.g. in urine or sweat, is made up by water absorbed from food and drink. The ratio between the water absorbed by the body and that which is excreted. The water intake is equal to the water loss. For a description of the control of water…

  • Wasting disease

    A disease which causes severe loss of weight or reduction in size of an organ.  

  • Waste product

    A substance which is not needed in the body and is excreted in urine or faeces.  

  • Waste away

    To become thinner.  

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