Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Xiphisternal plane

    An imaginary horizontal line across the middle of the chest at the point where the xiphoid process starts.  

  • Xenotransplantation

    The process of transplanting organs from one species to another, especially from animals to humans. Transplantation of organs from one species to another for example, from pigs to humans. The use of organs from appropriately cloned animals was seen as a possible solution to the shortage of human organs for transplantation. However, research has shown…

  • Xanthopsia

    A disorder of the eyes, making everything appear yellow. Abnormality of vision in which objects appear to have a yellowish hue; sometimes occurring in jaundice or drug toxicity. The condition in which all objects appear to have a yellowish tinge. It is sometimes experienced in digitalis poisoning. A condition in which objects appear to be…

  • Xanthomatosis


    A condition in which several small masses of yellow fatty substance appear in the skin or some internal organs, caused by an excess of fat in the body. Condition in which a disorder of lipid metabolism leads to the formation of yellowish fatty deposits in the skin and internal organs. A condition in which fatty…

  • Xanthochromia

    Yellow colour of the skin as in jaundice. A test done on CSF to determine whether yellow color—due to a breakdown of red blood cells—is present, which may indicate hemorrhage, jaundice, very high protein levels, or a traumatic spinal tap. Yellow discoloration, such as may affect the skin (for example, in jaundice) or the cerebrospinal…

  • Wuchereria

    A type of tiny nematode worm which infests the lymph system, causing elephantiasis. A genus of white threadlike parasitic worms that live in the lymphatic vessels. W. bancrofti is a tropical and subtropical species that causes elephantiasis, lymphangitis, and chyluria. The immature forms concentrate in the lungs during the day. At night they become more…

  • Writhe

    To twist and turn because the pain is very severe.  

  • Writer’s cramp

    A painful spasm of the muscles in the forearm and hand which comes from writing too much. Painful spasms in the muscles of the hand that make it difficult to write. A simple and transient case of writer’s cramp affects the thumb and first two fingers of the writing hand; it is caused by using…

  • Wrist joint

    A place where the wrist joins the arm.  

  • Wrinkled


    With wrinkles.  

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