Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Yawn

    A reflex action when tired or sleepy, in which the mouth is opened wide and after a deep intake of air, the breath exhaled slowly. To open the mouth involuntarily and take a deep breath, a movement mediated by  neurotransmittersin the hypothalamus and often associated with stretching.    

  • XYY syndrome

    An extremely rare condition in males in which they have two Y chromosomes instead of one. They grow faster than normal, and their final height is approximately 7cm above average. Many experience severe acne during adolescence. XYY syndrome is a tail-stature syndrome in males with an extra Y chromosome and is characterized by behavioral disorders…

  • Xylometazoline hydrochloride

    A drug which helps to narrow blood vessels, used in the treatment of colds and sinusitis.  

  • Xylocaine

    A trade name for a preparation of lignocaine. A trade name for lidocaine, a local anesthetic employed to desensitize tissues prior to minor surgeries and for nerve blocking.  

  • X-ray screening

    A method of gathering information about the body by taking images using X-rays. It is carried out by a radiographer or radiologist.  

  • X-ray photograph

    A picture produced by exposing sensitive film to X-rays.  

  • X-ray imaging

    The process of showing X-ray pictures of the inside of part of the body on a screen.  

  • X-linked disease

    A genetic disorder caused by a mutation on the X chromosome which only appears in males, e.g. one form of haemophilia.  

  • X-linked

    Relating to the genes situated on the X chromosome. Term describing a gene that is located on the X chromosome, one of the two sex chromosomes; also a trait or genetic disorder associated with such a gene. Such traits are recessive, meaning that the trait will be masked in the presence of a dominant gene.…

  • Xiphoid process

    The bottom part of the breastbone which is cartilage in young people but becomes bone by middle age. Smallest of the three parts of the sternum (breastbone), articulating with the body of the sternum and with the seventh rib. The lowermost section of the breastbone: a flat pointed cartilage that gradually ossifies until it is…

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