Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Zygomatic arch
The ridge of bone across the temporal bone, running between the ear and the bottom of the eye socket. The horizontal arch of bone on either side of the face, just below the eyes, formed by connected processes of the zygomatic and temporal bones. The formation, on each side of the cheeks, of the zygomatic…
Referring to the zygomatic arch. To the cheek region of the face. To the zygomatic bone, also called the cheekbone or malar bone.
A technique used in plastic surgery. A deep Z-shaped incision is made to relieve tension in the area of a scar, or to change the direction of a scar. Use of a Z-shaped surgical incision to reduce tension on a scar produced by normal movement of a body part. A surgical technique to make a…
A disease which a human can catch from an animal. Disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans (e.g., brucellosis, leptospirosis, rabies). Spread of disease from animals to humans. A disease that can be transmitted from animals (usually mammals) to humans. Examples include rabies (which can be transmitted from an infected dog or cat…
The removal of a zonule by dissolving it. Dissolution of the suspensory ligament of the lens of the eye (the zonule of Zinn), which facilitates removal of the lens in cases of cataract. A small quantity of a solution of an enzyme that dissolves the zonule without damaging other parts of the eye is injected…
Zonule of Zinn
A suspensory ligament of the lens of the eye.
A small area of the body.
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
A condition in which tumours are formed in the islet cells of the pancreas together with peptic ulcers [Described 1955. After Robert Milton Zollinger (b. 1903), Professor of Surgery at Ohio State University, USA; Edwin H. Ellison (1918-70), Associate Professor of Surgery at Ohio State University, USA.] Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES) is a rare digestive disorder…
Zinc oxide
A compound of zinc and oxygen, which forms a soft white soothing powder used in creams and lotions. A mild astringent used in various skin conditions, usually mixed with other substances. It is applied as a cream, ointment, dusting powder, or as a paste, sometimes in the form of an impregnated bandage. A component found…
Zinc ointment
A soothing ointment made of zinc oxide and oil.
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