Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Tomolex

    Introducing the Picker tomographic system with an integrated tubestand, a cutting-edge automated apparatus designed for horizontal tomography and radiography. This advanced device offers precise and efficient imaging capabilities in the realm of medical diagnostics.  

  • Tissue technique

    To obtain a radiograph specifically targeting tissue areas, a reduction of ten percent in the original kilovoltage is recommended, while keeping all other factors unchanged.  

  • Time-temperature developing manual

    For the majority of radiographic films, the universally recommended duration for development stands at three minutes, accompanied by a temperature of 68°F. It is worth noting that a deviation of one degree in temperature warrants an adjustment of 15 seconds, either an increase or decrease, in the development time.  

  • Time-temperature chart

    Let us delve into the realm of graphs, where we encounter a fascinating illustration depicting the correlation between the ideal duration for the development process and the corresponding temperature applied to an x-ray film.  

  • Time sharing

    In the realm of technical processes, there exists a methodology wherein a particular component or system carries out a consistent operation or function on multiple inputs. This approach typically involves a sequential switching mechanism, allowing the said component to cyclically engage with each input in succession.  

  • Thyroid uptake

    Thyroid disease can be diagnosed through the assessment of glandular uptake using a specific method (1311).  

  • Thyratron

    A gas-filled triode tube commonly employed in electronic timers and phototimers.  

  • Thumb rule

    If the wire or conductor is held in the left hand, with the thumb pointing in the direction of the electron flow (from negative to positive), the encircling fingers will indicate the direction of the magnetic field lines around the electron flow.  

  • Three-phase generator

    A generator powered by three single-phase currents that are deliberately out of phase with each other by one-third of a cycle or 120 degrees.  

  • Thoriated tungsten filament

    A vacuum tube filament, typically composed of tungsten blended with a small amount of thorium oxide, is employed to enhance electron efficiency.  

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