Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Member of the order Aphididae of small sapsucking insects with delicate translucent bodies, often infesting foliage in large numbers and weakening the plant. Aphids secrete a sugary ‘honeydew’ eaten by ants, which in return protect the aphids from other predators.
Alpine house
A type of greenhouse designed to meet the specialized requirements of alpines, usually kept cool in summer by shading the glass, and unheated in winter but providing protection from severe frosts. Alternate (of leaves) Arising, one by one, first from one side of the stem and then the other. Whether the leaves are alternate or…
The passing of desirable characteristics from the parent plant to seed-grown offspring; also called breeding true to type.
Single flower
A flower with a single ring of typically four or five petals.
Applying fertilizer to the soil beside or around a plant during the growing season to stimulate growth.
Semi-double flower
A flower with petals that form two or three rings.
The root mass and surrounding soil of a container-grown plant or a plant dug out of the ground.
Refers to the narrow, tubular shape of petals or florets of certain flowers.
Harden off
To gradually acclimatize plants that have been growing in a protective environment to a more harsh environment, e.g., plants started indoors being moved outdoors.
A plant capable of surviving the climatic conditions of a given region if protected.
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